
                                               Basic Bonsai- The Indian Way

Written by a bonsai teacher committed to promoting bonsai art 
in the indian context, this book is excellent do-it-yourself manual
for those who are eager to learn more about bonsai in India.

The author, Mangala Rao- Nilangekar, draws on her rich experience in 
handling Indian species to offer the reader step-by-step instruction- from 
selecting the right plant, to creating the bonsai in its special pot- 
using plants and material commonly found in india.
The many important tips ensure that even a novice does not falter
 in the initial stages.
The book gives very useful advice on Indian tree and shrub species 
suitable for bonsai designing.

Anyone with a penchant for gardening, and interest in the aesthetics of trees in Nature,
can take up bonsai. This book is intended for such beginners, and helps avoid the pitfalls
and frustrations of learning the fundamentals of bonsai art.

To buy Contact
Mrs. Mangala Rao,